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Become a Member

We are always looking for people interested in joining our coalition.

Who Can Join?

We invite anyone who is in agreement with the Mission & Vision of the Coalition to join and help us to make a difference in breastfeeding for Maryland.


Membership in the Maryland Breastfeeding Coalition is open to anyone who is in agreement with the mission and vision of the Coalition, signs the declaration of support for the Coalition’s mission and vision and who participates in the Coalition activities.
Membership is renewed on an annual basis. Our fiscal and membership year begins in May of each year.
The Maryland Breastfeeding Coalition, Inc., is an IRS Section 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Charitable contributions, donations, and gifts to the Coalition are tax-deductible. Please check with your tax advisor to verify your individual situation.


There are two categories of membership:


ORGANIZATION: Recommended donation $50 for non-profit and $100 for a for-profit organization or business.

A membership fee waiver may be available for those unable to pay.

To help support, promote, and protect breastfeeding in Maryland, become a member and complete a membership form.

You can either mail in the form or complete it online.

Additional donations, with or without membership, are always greatly appreciated.

Maryland Breastfeeding Coalition

501(c) 3 & EIN 80-0510325

©2022 by Maryland Breastfeeding Coalition . Proudly created with

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