Thank you for visiting the Maryland Breastfeeding Coalition’s page!
We’re thrilled to share our mission and work with you. Founded in 2002 by a dedicated group of healthcare professionals, lactation consultants, and community advocates, our coalition is passionate about supporting breastfeeding families.​
Our strength lies not only in the principles we stand for but in the collective actions we take to create meaningful change. By working together, we’ve built a network committed to overcoming challenges and making a positive impact in every initiative we undertake.
Upcoming Events
MARCH 7, 2025

MBC Breastfeeding Conference - Breastfeeding Beyond Barriers: Critical Conversations in Lactation
Date: Friday March 7th 2025
Time: 8am to 1pm
Location: Sinai Hospital in Baltimore
Link: Register Here
Information: MBC will be hosting our 1/2-day conference at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore. We are applying for CEUs/CERPs and maybe CMEs. Our agenda and speakers is being finalized but is going to be terrific!
Topics to include:
HIV and Breastfeeding - Allison Agwu, MD, ScM, FAAP, FIDSA
Addressing Gaps in Lactation Support Among Patients who Experience Severe Maternal Morbidity - Adriane Burgess PhD,RNC-OB, CCE, C-ONQS, CPHQ, C-EFM, FAWHONN
Antenatal Milk Expression: Is It Worth the Effort? - Dana Silver, MD, FAAP, FABM, NABBLM-C
Pump Technology 2024 - Liliana Simon, MS, MD, IBCLC, FAAP, FABM, NABBLM-C
MAY 18, 2025

Baltimore Birth Festival 2025
Date: Sunday, May 18th 2025
Time: 10am - 3pm
Location: 27 S Patterson Park Ave, Baltimore, MD 21231
Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/8501594473209929
Information: MBC will have an informational table display at this event.
The Maryland Breastfeeding Coalition thrives on the generosity of community members like you.
Support our mission and make a difference—consider contributing today!